Botanical Medicine Suite - Owner (Company) Details
- Written by Christos Goulas
- Published in Botanical Medicine Suite
- Read 1648 times
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In the 'Owner' (company) form, you can enter all your clinic's detailed information. All the details provided in this form, once saved, will update all the reports in the application. For example, if you change your company's logo, the logo displayed on the application's report will be updated to the new logo that you have defined on this form. The very same thing applies to every field available for you to type in this form. To change the logo for your company, simply click on the browse button to select a valid image file.
The available textboxes for you to fill in this form are the following:
- Company Title
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Surname
- Occupation
- Address
- Town / City
- Website URL
- Telephone Number
- Mobile Number
- Fax Number
- V.A.T. Number
- Tax Authority (or Tax Office)