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Christos Goulas

Christos Goulas

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Botanical Medicine Suite - Appointment Details

The 'Appointment Details' form allows you to either schedule a new appointment for your patient or display/edit an existing appointment. To view all existing appointments you should use the 'Appointment Manager' form. First, you should select a patient first from the drop-down list and then fill-in the rest of the textboxes. In the Appointment Start/End textboxes you should key-in the dates and the times related to the appointment. 

The details that can be filled-in for each appointment in the 'Appointment Details' form are the following:

  • Patient: Select a patient for the appointment by using the drop-down list
  • Required Attendees: Should there be required attendees for the patient's appointment, fill-in this textbox with details
  • Optional Attendees: Same as above, but for optional attendees
  • Resources
  • Appointment Start: Enter Start Date and Time here for the appointment
  • Appointment End: Enter End Date and Time for the appointment
  • Examination Room: You can enter the examination room here, where the appointment is going to take place
  • Reminder minutes before Start: You can set a reminder for this appointment (enter value in minutes, i.e. 15 denotes 15 minutes)
  • Appointment Duration: Sets the appointment's duration
  • Location: By default, you can select Home Visit if the appointment is going to take place at the patient's place or Clinic visit if the patient is going to visit your clinic
  • Appointment Details: Enriched text, supporting more than 65k characters regarding the appointment

Note: If you use US-date format (mm/dd/yyyy), you should check(enable) this in the 'General Paramaters' form which is located in the Accessories tab, under the 'Settings' button.


Botanical Medicine Suite - Herb Details

The Herb Details form is rather simple. It can be used to display a selected herb's properties and other information regarding a herb. It can also be used to add a new herb to the database, although very unlikelyDr. Michelakis has made the effort to populate the list of herbs with a vast amount of herbs and their properties in the database.This list is countinuously updating . You can obtain this list by contacting us or Dr. Michelakis himself (at no extra cost)!

More specifically, the textboxes that can be used to fill-in all the required information regarding a herb are the following:

  • The Herb's English Name
  • The Herb's Latin Name
  • The Proposed dosage for this herb
  • The Parts Used to make this herb
  • The Herb's family
  • The Chemical Constituents for this herb
  • The Herb's contraindications (enriched text supported, more than 65k characters)
  • The Herb's properties (enriched text supported, more than 65k characters)
  • The Herb's preparation methods (enriched text supported, more than 65k characters)

Moreover, you can assign this herb as a remedy to a selected patient from the database through this form. Please visit the 'List Of Herbs' article to see what the other options are inside the application regarding the herbs listed in the database.


Botanical Medicine Suite - Practicioner Details

You can use the practicioner's details form to either add a new practicioner in the database, or to view/edit a practicioner's details. It's a rather simple form, offering contact information as well a notes field for each practicioner. The practicioners, once they are filed in the database, can be 'assigned' to patients by using the 'Patient Details' form (up to 5 practicioners per patient). 

More specifically, the textboxes that you can fill-in in this form for each herb are the following:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Surname
  • Specialty (there is already a massive list of specialties included in the database)
  • Address
  • Town/City (almost 200.000 towns/cities including the countries that they belong to are already listed in the database)
  • Post Code
  • Website
  • E-mail Address
  • Telephone Number #1, Telephone Number #2
  • Mobile No #1, Mobile No #2
  • Fax Number #1, Fax Number #2
  • Notes-Memo (over 65000 characters can be keyed-in here, enrich text supported)

Please visit the 'List Of Practicioners' article to see what the other options are inside the application regarding the practicioners listed in the database.


Botanical Medicine Suite - Patient Details

The Patient's Details form is used to maintain all the information required regarding your patients in the database. There is a plethora of details that you can fill in regarding your patients, from their contact details, to their family medical history, symptoms, allergies etc.. On top of that, you can see the remedies that were given to each patient in the past, by clicking the 'H' (history) button. This can be used as a log file for each patient as far as the given remedies are concerned.    

The Patient's Details form consists of seven (7) tabs, namely:

  • Patient General Information: Basic details here, such as your patient's address, phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, height/weight etc. Also, on this tab, you can click on the 'H' button to see the remedies given to this patient or schedule a new appointment for this patient.
  • Symptoms: You can use this tab to file the main reason for your patient's visit and other health issues. Also offers a wide field (up to 65000+ characters - enriched text) where you can key-in detailed information regarding your patient. 
  • Generic Health Information: You can 'assign' here other practicioners that your patient visits. You will have to create a record in the database first for each practicioner. Then you can select them here by using the drop-down list (up to 5 practicioners). On this tab, there is also a wide field (similar to the symptoms above) where you can type in the western medical diagnosis for your patient.
  • Habbit Status: Details about your patient's habbits. From their drinking habbit, sleep habbit, meal habbit, every habbit that can be related to your patient's health can be keyed-in here, in the appropriate textbox. There is also a screenshot related to this tab below.
  • Family Related Information: Family ailments and generic family information can be filled-in here for your patient.
  • Childhood Events: Here, mostly in the form of checkboxes you can check whether your patient as a child suffered from polio, measles, chickenpox, asthma, rubella etc..
  • Allergies/Immunizations: You can choose between a wide list of allergies and immunizations that are related to your patient's medical history here. 

Below, screenshots of the 'Patient Details' form are listed, one picture per tab. You are more than welcome to take a look!

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